Joint Standards Committee

20 April 2022

Report of the Monitoring Officer

Government response to the Committee for Standards in Public Life’s Review of Local Government Ethical Standards



1.   On 18th March 2022, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, published its formal response to the Committee for Standards in Public Life’s Recommendations to Local Government Ethical Standards.




2.   In January 2019, The Committee for Standards in Public Life issued its report and recommendations on ethical standards in Local Government.  This report was published following extensive consultation with local authorities and the Joint Standards Committee submitted a consultation response on behalf of City of York Council.


3.   In its published response, Government has provided its response to the numerous recommendations however it does not propose any immediate plans to amend or introduce revised legislation to address some of the issues raised, for example amendments to the Localism Act 2011, to sanctions and further clarity as regards disclosable pecuniary interests.


4.   However with regards to other recommendations, the Government does support and encourage local authorities to develop best practice, for example adoption of the LGA Model Code of Conduct, reporting and monitoring gifts and hospitality for councillors from the same source over a period of time and preparation of annual reports including code of conduct complaints.



5.   The Government response can be found at the following link:


6.   It should be noted that from a City of York perspective, the Joint Standards Committee has already responded positively to some of the recommendations for example adoption of the LGA Model Code, publication of an annual report, clarity for councillors in respect of gifts and hospitality, and that the Committee is committed to encourage our Parish and Town Councils to adopt the LGA Model Code of Conduct.




7.   Not applicable to this report.

Human Resources (HR)

8.   Not applicable to this report.


9.   There are no equality implications directly relating to this report however there are potential future implications detailed within the Government Response and these will be addressed as and when necessary.




10.    There are no legal implications directly relating to this report however there are potential future implications detailed within the Government Response and these will be addressed as and when necessary.


Crime and Disorder, Information Technology and Property


11.    Not applicable to this report.


12.    Members are recommended to note the Government response to the Committee for Standards in Public Life’s Review of Local Government Ethical Standards.




Janie Berry

Director of Governance & Monitoring Officer

 Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Janie Berry

Director of Governance &

Monitoring Officer

Tel:  01904 555385




Report Approved


7 April 2022






Wards Affected: 



For further information please contact the author of the report

Background Papers:

·        Agenda, Reports and Minutes of the Joint Standards Committee for the municipal year 2019-2022

·        The Committee for Standards in Public Life – Review of Local Government Ethical Standards Report published in January 2019


·        Annex A - Government response to the Committee for Standards in Public Life’s Review of Local Government Ethical Standards [a printed copy can be made available on request]